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Below are explanations for words used in the text that are in Latin or have an historical or religious context.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Canon: a member of a cathedral college. Residential Canons form the permanent salaried staff of the cathedral.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Synod: an assembly of the clergy and sometimes laity in a diocese or other division of the Church.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Rebus: an ornamental device associated with a person to whose name it punningly alludes.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Gaudy: a celebratory reunion dinner or entertainment held by a college or institution.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Precentor: a cathedral dignitary who leads a congregation in singing and is responsible for the direction of choral services.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Chancellor: a legal officer that advises a bishop and is president of the Consistory Court. Also one of the four dignitaries in a cathedral often responsible for education and the library.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Succentor: a deputy to the Precentor and usually a Minor Canon.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Prebendary: the holder of a cathedral benefice whose income supported his post as Canon. Nowadays no finance is attached.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Capitular: relating to a cathedral chapter.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Messuage: dwelling with outbuildings
Ultimo: In the last month.
Close: enclosed as in French 'Clos' or the Cathedral Close
Ultimo: In the last month.
Demesne: a piece of land attached to a manor and retained by the owner for their own use
Ultimo: In the last month.
Cold Harbour: a winter home for cattle
Ultimo: In the last month.
Quarter: 2 stones or a ¼ of a cwt (hundredweight)
Ultimo: In the last month.
Counterpart: part of a contract
Ultimo: In the last month.
National School: Elementary school
Ultimo: In the last month.
Kings House: now Salisbury Museum
Ultimo: In the last month.
Usher: teacher's assistant
Ultimo: In the last month.
Cartulary: A medieval manuscript register containing full or excerpted transcriptions of important documents, especially of originally loose, single-sheet charters
Ultimo: In the last month.
Calends (Kalends): The first day of the month in the Roman calendar
Ultimo: In the last month.
Recorder: A barrister appointed to serve as a part-time judge
Ultimo: In the last month.
Dilapidations: Repairs required at the end of a tenancy or lease.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Exegesis: Critical explanation of a text.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Chancery: One of the two great offices of Royal Administration, the court of the Lord Chancellor. Chancery was responsible for the writing of charters and writs issued in the King's name.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Advowson: The right of a benefice patron to present a clergyman for appointment to the Bishop.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Agistor: Officer who watched over king's forests.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Alienation: Property given by owner (especially the king) to another.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Amerce: To impose a fine, usually by the lord of the manor.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Bailiff: The chief officer of a Hundred representing the monarch under the Sheriff.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Baron: The rank held by all tenants-in-chief, holding land directly of the king.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Benefice: The office held by a priest, vicar or rector whose duties were recompensed by land - colloquially, a living.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Subvention: Grant of money, especially from a government.
Ultimo: In the last month.
Inspeximus: An inspeximus is a charter beginning with the Latin word Inspeximus (‘We have inspected’). It is declared in the charter that an earlier charter or letters patent, here quoted or summarised, has been examined and its validity confirmed.
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